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Project REIL Store

Made it my goal to apply my knowledge of web development a little bit. The goal was to use new languages, libraries, frameworks for development that I had not used before.

Learned different PaaS and SaaS providers to understand their nature, what their limitations are and what they can do and not. 

Small Store Project

Next.js, TS, Tailwind, Prisma, MySQL

Time: 1 month

Links: Store, CMSGithub

Of all the options, Vercel seemed the most reasonable.

Now I have good knowledge how to built website using microservice architecture.

  • See the big picture

  • Implement authentication

  • Implement SSR

  • Apply knowledge of web development, security, authentication

  • Add a payment option

  • Learn Next.js

  • Learn TS

  • Microservices


What I learned

  • Next.js unusual caching specifics, it took some time to how to deal with it.

  • What is hydration errors and how to deal with them.

  • UI/UX is not easy

  • Image optimization should not be underestimated

  • Ideally development and host server OS should be the same.

  • Why TS is useful and when to use it.

PaaS: Vercel

DBaaS: PlanetScale ORM: Prisma Store: Zustand

UIShadcn-UI, Next-themes, Tailwind

ImgaaS: Cloudinary

Auth: Clerk

Payment: Stripe


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